I installed the CKForms Joomfish configuration file, but when I choose "CKForms" has item to translate, I get this error :
DB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column 'c.fronttitle' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT c.id, c.name, c.title, c.description, c.emailfrom, c.emailto, c.emailcc, c.emailbcc, c.subject, c.textresult, c.redirecturl, c.customjs, c.uploadpath, c.captchacustominfo, c.captchacustomerror, c.emailreceiptsubject, c.emailreceipttext, c.fronttitle, c.frontdescription, jfc.id as jfc_id, jfc.value as titleTranslation, jfc.modified as lastchanged, jfc.published as published, jfc.language_id, jfl.name as language, jfc.reference_id as jfc_refid FROM jos_ckforms as c LEFT JOIN jos_jf_content as jfc ON c.id=jfc.reference_id AND jfc.reference_field='title' AND jfc.reference_table='ckforms' AND jfc.language_id=2 LEFT JOIN jos_languages as jfl ON jfc.language_id=jfl.id ORDER BY c.title LIMIT 0, 20