some fatures

Ask your feature Requests about CKforms component

some fatures

Postby abbidalli » Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:56 pm

Needed features:
-Input fields (if needed) in same line!?
-linked input fields (if 1st field ist "BMW", than next field you can select between 320i, 320d, etc..., if it is "Audi", you can choose A4, A6, etc...
-accept or block some data formats, like .exe, .bat or others
-variable option to make different field sices
-Option to put the datas what made, to include in the Emails (like Name:Mustermann, Prename: Max, ----- by email than, dear Max Mustermann

i have maaaaaaaaaaany more ideas, but no know how about php coding.

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Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:03 pm

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