Form as article insert

Ask your feature Requests about CKforms component

Form as article insert

Postby OctavianusMagus » Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:19 pm

Why can't I do the following 123?
1. Making a form with CK Forms the ordinary way.
2. Plugging it in in an Article by an "insert here" command, e.g. by clicking an icon in an editor.
3. Adjusting (tweaking) the result with stylesheet or simple list of choices.

If this means that CKForms has to ask every editorpgm maker to add another icon, so be it.

Manual_ckforms_EN.pdf, page 22, section B, should not say what it says now.
Section B now says " then the insert tag will be: {ckform <formname>}.
Insert WHERE? Am I to be clairvoyant?

Please, think like a modern user who needs to insert a form in 15 minutes and has no time to first study programming or looking for the proper PHP-file and then for the right location within the programming lines.

A disappointed user.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:05 pm

Re: Form as article insert

Postby twisterking » Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:38 pm

Did you install and activate the CK Forms Plugin?

It's a separate file you can find in the downloadsection. You need to install the plugin and activate it in the Joomla backend to get it working. Then follow the instructions you already found in the manual.

I just tried it and had no problems!
Posts: 24
Joined: Fri Sep 18, 2009 5:05 pm

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