Some questions about CKform

Questions and bug reports for current release of CKForms

Some questions about CKform

Postby frlobe » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:34 pm

I just discover CKform, that seems to be great. I have few questions regarding some requirements, I have for my site.
- I need one field with intelligent input. I actually have a JS script that is fully working. Is there a way to include it in my CKform code?
- I need 2 fields linked toguether: if field1 have value 1, the second field need to be completed. If field1 has value 2 ou 3, the second field does not have to be completed
Thank you for your answer
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Joined: Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:27 pm

Re: Some questions about CKform

Postby sixeyeco » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:52 am

Hi, I'm not technically up to incorporating your js but I can think of a workaround. There was a small typo in your post but I think that you are saying that if the answer to the first question in your form is A then the next two fields are necessary. If the answer is B or C then the next two fields are not necessary.

For example:
1. Are you interested in our product? YES | NO | Perhaps
[list=]If so please enter your name: ________
And your phone number: ________ [/list]

If this is the case you can solve this in ten minutes.
Create and publish two forms. The first form for those whose answer to the first question was A. The second form for those whose answer to the first question was B or C.

Then, create a new article. In the body of the article ask the first question with answers linked to the appropriate form. It could look something like this:

Question: 1. Are you interested in our product? YES | NO | Perhaps
YES - Linked to the first form
NO - Linked to the second form
Perhaps - Linked to the second form

As I said, I'm not technical so to determine the actual links to these forms I would first publish the forms' MENU items with SPECIAL permissions, that way only admins can see them in the menu. Right click and copy the link location and add them to the article.

I hope this helps. I also like this component and want to help in any way I can.
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Re: Some questions about CKform

Postby frlobe » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:10 am

thanks for your answer. Your answer for my JS script is not what I was waiting for. My JS script is an autocompletion script. So I need to call the JS autocopletion function to have it in one of my form field.
Any way to do this?

Thanks again
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Joined: Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:27 pm

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