Hi everyone,
I'm using your component/plugin in order to have some contact forms on my Joomla Website.
But I'd like to do something more interesting.
I'd like to have a contact page which could have two links.
Each link should open a lightbox window (using the built in lightboxes of Joomla "Modal", you just need to add the class="modal" to your <a></a> tag and the href will be opened in a lightbox).
You can find more informations here : http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=476&t=299474
And each lightbox should open a different contact form via CKforms.
Does anyone already tried something like that ? Is it possible ?
I tried to use your plugin in order tu put a contact form inside an empty article and then redirect my "modal" link to this article but this doesn't work well.
Need some help please.