Send data to CK Forms outside Joomla

Questions and bug reports for current release of CKForms

Send data to CK Forms outside Joomla

Postby zerodivide » Mon May 24, 2010 7:45 pm

Hello there.

Sorry if this has been covered here elsewhere. I'm short on time so I couldn't search much. Anyways. I am developing a site that uses a combination of Joomla and hand written files. I have a form that is using input fields that are not a part of Joomla. I'd like to know how do I pipe data from those external forms into Ckforms? I tried a couple of things that end up badly. Such as I tried to have the form's action param set to the same url as the ckform, but I don't think that's working as I get no record of my test submission in the back end database.

I don't know how Joomla interally works well enough to allow ck forms to accept data from my external files. Does anyone have a tips (or a link to a topic that cover this), to resolve my issue? The files are on the same domain, server, and only one directory apart.

Any help is appreciated.
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Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 7:37 pm

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