Allow admins to go in and edit the data that was submitted and resave it.
When you click display data you are taken to a list of entries.
You then click on one of the entries and you see the details of that entry.
in the upper right corner there is a back button that takes you back to the list.
well how about adding a button to the left of the back button called "Edit"?
then you are taken to a page where all the fields are editable.
you make the changes that are needed, and in the upper right there is a button called "Save".
once save is pressed you are taken back to the details page and the new information is displayed.
Is that too hard to pull off?
Does anyone know of any other joomla form components that saves the form entries, and displays the entries in a list in joomla's back-end, and also allows the entries to be edited and resaved?