by jmayor » Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:57 am
Regards from Madrid and Murcia - Spain.
For translating a form you have to:
FIRST STEP: install the (Valid only for the 1.3.3 version).
The way to install it is a little special.
The instalation is as follows:
- After you have installed ckform, you have to go to the ck component using the menu Components/ckform.
- Click on the restore button on the top right and install the file.
After that go to plugins manager and publish the plugin named 'Content - CKforms Form Display'
SECOND STEP: Make different forms using the joomfish component. One for each language of your website. You will use them later for your different language versions of your website. Note that you have to named each form with a diferent name. For example: for english version named it 'formen', for spanish named it 'formsp', etc.
But all the forms have the same fields, text,etc.
THIRD STEP: Make a content item and put the code {ckform Formen}
(The word formen is the name of the form of your original language version)
FORTH STEP:Make the link to the article that has the code with the form code on the appropriate menu.
FIFTH STEP: Go to Joomfish component and after you have copied all your original site to the version you want to translate, go to the article and only translate the title.
DONT CHANGE THE CODE {ckform Formulario1}!!!!
SIXTH STEP: In the Joomfish componen translate the module "CKforms Form Display".
Note that when you enter to module to translate it, on the right side you will have a drop list where you have to change the form to your translated form you made with the ckform previously.
And that's all:
You can see an example here: (see menu 'contactar' on the right side in the horizontal menu on the header. With the flags on the left you can change the language)
Jorge Mayor