Edit the Display of Database Results

Questions and bug reports for current release of CKForms

Edit the Display of Database Results

Postby elkhorntechguy » Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:36 am

Thank you for the very nice form CK!

I built a form with some fields and it submits just fine and send data to a database and to my email.

But I want a different page to display just the last record that was submitted to the database and I cannot figure out how to limit the number of records displayed. It displays all the records in the database. And I just want the most recent record.

I want to use this as a message at a restaurant - and have the manager login to the website fill out the form, hit submit and then have the results be displayed on a different page.

Can anyone give me a hand? Kind of a newbie. :)
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Joined: Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:29 am

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