[1.3.4] Conflict with other scripts

Questions and bug reports for current release of CKForms

[1.3.4] Conflict with other scripts

Postby sargon » Sun May 02, 2010 12:37 pm


I hope, somebody can give me an idea, a solution or anything like that, for my problem. It's also a question to the developers

If You take a look on my testpages (http://j15.cooltec.at), You will see a slideshow (Gavick GK3) in the header, working accurate. On any pages now I'm using CKForms for e-mail-response. On these sites the slideshow starts, but than it hangs.

Checked with firebug (FF), I get the message:
Fx.Opacity is not a constructor
new Fx.Opacity(slides[actual],{duration: $G['anim_speed']}).start(1,0);

from the ".../engine.js"-file, line 135

I've seen now, that CKForms is using FX too. So I think the error comes from a conflict between the ".../engine.js" of the slideshow and the ".../formcheck.js" of CKForms. Can it be? And how can I handle this problem? (...and, I'm not a big coder, scripter aso.)

Please give me a helping hand. If somebody need more information, only ask
thx2all & have a nice day :cool:
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 11:44 am

Re: [1.3.4] Conflict with other scripts

Postby joripel » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:25 am

Hi sargon,

I have exactly the same problem. Could you tell me how do you fix it? .
I am lookin for a response but there isn't so much information about it.

thanks a lot.
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:01 am

Re: [1.3.4] Conflict with other scripts

Postby sargon » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:49 am

Hi joripel,

I couldn't fix it, but one of the developers of Gavick gave me the idea, the error comes from two instances of mootool. And ... because I got no answer here, so I through out CKForms. Now I'm using chronoforms. It's not so handy like CKForms, but it works :D
thx2all & have a nice day :cool:
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 11:44 am

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